domingo, 12 de agosto de 2007

Cool Is Home Away From Home

Hot damn, well as surprisingly as it sounds, this week was
hilariously fast! I know I always say that but this time I really

mean it but that isn't bad at all.

Anyhow... I have this really bad memory today I hardly can remember
what I did this week, that's probably why I opened a blog entry
thing but idk;

I mostly hanged out at work and with my boyfriend tehehe!

for the weekend I do remember actually;
on Friday after work (my last day)
i went to TGIFriday's for a triple date thing! It was awesome, it was octavio
and his gf valentina, Jorge and Gabby and my bf and me. Hahahhh it was
awkward at first but they all are very funny and fun to be with.
we had lots of healthy fun jkasdhkas hahahaaaa plus my pasta was

delicious, yeah I was craving some fettuccine since forever.

after lunch we went to Pamela's house for her birthay! she turned 17 hurray
for her... And oh it was the crazyest thing, she had a trampoline or whatever
you call those things you jump on like crazy, it was soooo
ooo funny and it
reminded me of my childhood, like when I was 8 or 10.
later that nigggght me tavo and tony went to a house party near tony's house
and I saw some people from school it was nice, then we got very tired and
walked t
o tony;s house instead of staying there at the lame party.

I love multiplication and division bingo, its my new fav thing
to do at midnight.

Sattturday was another crazy day I left home @ 3 when Gaby picked me up in
her soccer mom van, i love it.
we went to tavos place and helped him and his mom with some prepp things
for a lunch they were gonna have at his place.
afterwards alex joined us and tony also but he then left to rehearse with his band
we stayed a while listening but then we left to go get some foo
d @ this place
where they served food from Argentina haha yeah.

then tony met us again at this new starbucks place where it was packed like
34534 people getting fucking coffee it was overwhelming to even sit
for a nice carrot cake. Instead of that me and gaby got drive-thru from carls jr.

Thennn, me and tony were headed for the couch and a movie at his place
but baaaam! his mother got us to play this weird game, it was cool. but i lost.
bummer, afterwards Jessica picked me up! i miss her a lot, i hadn't seen
her or any of the girls for a while, karla alexiss and anna e
tc, etc.
we went and crashed this welcoming party butleft after less than 8 minutes.

I actually went home and they kept on cruisin' around Jessica's new ride,
actually it's not new but it sure looks like, from the outside... that is.

Today i went to mariettas place SHE CAME BACK FROM LA! finally after
a fucking month! i missed her but we actually got all day today to catch up on
all this stuff from summer. She made me lunch which was actually lovingly

delicious; we had some salmon pattys on wheat hamburger bread. yumm!
after that we walked to this new place called "the golden spo
on" where they
sell frozen yogurts yeah it was fun. since it was like a really hot d
ay .

after that we headed to borders for some book shopping! i got the novel from Hubert Selby Jr.
you know, from the movie requiem for a dream... I hope its good and even
more factual than the movie since its based on the book... and I also got
the sept issue teen vogue.

it seemed like a long week but it passed like a flask.
tomorrow is my anniversary! with tony; we've been together for

a year and seven months noow, its really exciting, I hope we do something
awesome tomorrow.

Here are some random pictures from like millions of years ago!

peaches liveeee concert!

Dimitri from paris@ zita lounge

me and Jessica cooking some cake!

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